High Pressure Water Removal Of Road Water Lines


UHP Plunger Pump Water Jetting Road Painting strip removal of hydrographic lines or plastic and rubber lines refers to the use of high-pressure water cleaning nozzles to remove water lines on the road surface.


Water Jet Cleaning Machine Parts


Water Jet Cleaning Machine Parts


22Kpsi UHP Hydro-Jet Blasting Road Strip removal cleaning machine is widely used in municipal cleaning projects. Compared with traditional cleaning, high-pressure water removal has many advantages.



A: Environmental protection. High-pressure water cleaning of road water lines mainly uses high-pressure water for cleaning.


The general pressure level is 1500Bar-2000Bar. In UHP Triplex Plunger Pump Water Blasting Runway Mark Removal cleaning process, there is only water medium and no chemicals, so there is no pollution to the environment, which is very environmentally friendly.


Water Jet Cleaning Machine Parts


Water Jet Cleaning Machine Parts


B:High efficiency. High-pressure water cleaning water lines are much more efficient than traditional ones, and high-pressure water line removal is equipped with different nozzles and spray Plate or disc to eliminate the target water lines very accurately, without causing damage to the road surface, and better for redrawing lines.



C: Widely used.

High-pressure water cleaning water lines are widely used in Parking lots Roads,Playground,Airport runways. Bike paths, Driveways etc, the 2000Bar UHP Hydro Jetting Road Marking Cleaning process is vastly applied.


Water Jet Cleaning Machine Parts


D: Hydro water blasting pavement road UHP Hydro-blasting Runway Strip cleaning is very good for surface treatment.

High-pressure water removal water lines not only remove the original lines and marks on the road surface and target cleaning areas, but also clean the road surface, and the UHP Water-Jet airport way marking line removal cleaning effect is very satisfactory.



We provide the UHP water Blasting parts and proposal solution:

